Children's Policy
The Discworld Convention is a family friendly event and we welcome children. However, for the sake of children and other attendees we ask you to note the following policy:
All ages mentioned are at the time of the Convention.
Convention members of 17 years or under must attend with an adult (specified on their membership application) who assumes legal responsibility for them throughout the Convention. Star Turtle Ltd. and other parties associated with the Convention assume no responsibility for minors.
Children of 14 years or under must be accompanied by their specified adult (or another appropriate adult) at all times, in Convention events including at specific child-friendly events (e.g. children’s klatches), and throughout the hotel including bedrooms.
Convention membership is free for children of 12 years or under, but it must still be applied for during membership sales. Young members still count toward the number of attendees we can accommodate, so must still have a membership number.
Some programme items are listed as unsuitable for children, and may not be attended by anyone of 17 years or under. Please note that this is not at the discretion of the child or a parent/carer: we want guests and programme organisers to be free to include content for adults where appropriate, and this rule is as much for them and their audience as it is for the children.
The Convention is a large event with many strangers and the Children policy is critical for the safety and comfort of children and adults alike. The committee reserves the right to revoke the memberships of children and parents/carers who do not observe the policy, and ask them to leave.