Amy Worrall

Amy is known for her ability to make impossible things happen. Such as the time she was invited to be a bridesmaid at a wedding on the same day she’d agreed to run a show. (The solution to that one included a flight from Bradford to London.) In her old age, she can no longer quite manage six impossible things before breakfast, but two or three should be quite attainable! As you can imagine, this form of magic is ideally suited to a backstage role, and Amy is currently turning her hand to lighting. Coming from a background of amateur theatre, she’s very used to squeezing a spectacular end result out of very limited time and budget.

Amy has never attended a Discworld Con before, despite being a fan since childhood. As one of the developers on the (sadly now defunct) Ankh-Morpork Mapp iPad app, Amy can claim to have been at least slightly Pterry-adjacent. She’s very much looking forward to all the delights the convention has to offer, and is trying to force herself not to see “being in the Maskerade while simultaneously running the lights” as an Impossible Problem™ to be solved…

In real life, Amy is a software developer (as so many are), working from the home she shares with her four guinea pigs.

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