Deadlines and Preparations
3 August 2022
Bookings for Gala places have now closed and the deadline for telling us your menu choices and seating preferences is Noon on Friday 5 August. That's right: this very Friday! If you have preferences do let us know by emailing before then.
After that we will allocate everyone's seats and it will be too late to change them. Everyone will have a printed name card showing their menu choices and, importantly, the serving staff will also have the information about who, at which table, has ordered what food so they can serve us quickly and easily. You will not be popular if you try to change the seating arrangements - to the extent that there have been mutterings about duct tape and whether it would damage the chairs...
The final cut-off date for updating any of your information through the website, and for joining the waiting list, is Monday 8 August.
Hotel Bookings close 7 days before the Convention, at Midnight on Wednesday 10 August. The hotel is slow to respond at the moment because of the Commonwealth Games so if you have problems please email and we will try to help.
We will be publishing our own Convention App in the Android and Apple stores in the next few days - look for an announcement with full details later this week. Among other goodies it will provide you with a full schedule of events and give you the choice of making your own personalised itinerary. It also has a very fine Mappe of Lancre and Environs (aka the Hotel if you want to be pedantic) which is now available on our website
We have also added a field to your Membership Bookings data for First Aid Information. This is for you to add any information you are willing to let first aiders see that would help in an emergency situation and we would encourage you to enter it if, for example you are diabetic or have any other conditions that would make a difference to how our first aiders approach helping you. To access it, click 'My Bookings' on the home page, then click Edit. The information box is at the bottom of the page. After updating it, please click Save.
The Hedgehog Party is a long-running favourite event. It's one where people often bring snacks from other countries and drinks they would like to share. The food packaging will often be in foreign languages and the drinks in hip flasks, so do ask if you are unsure about ingredients. Neither the Hilton nor the Committee have any responsibility for these items. If you are bringing something for the party, NO fresh produce like fruit or vegetables and nothing smelly or pungent please!.