Hotel booking - Currently on hold

27 April 2020

by The Chair Team

After a rather rocky start this morning, we had hoped to be able to resume Hotel bookings this afternoon. Unfortunately, it seems the Powers That Be have stepped in and put an end to those plans. 

At present, last minute technical hiccoughs have fundamentally altered the Hilton Hotel bookings page, adding a layer of fiendish challenge to the booking process. While we know that some Members have managed to navigate this and successfully confirm their rooms, we do NOT want it to be the general experience. Rather than risk people being charged incorrectly, we have decided to call a halt until the system is working as intended once more.

Please be reassured that there is NO shortage of rooms. Booking has not ended for good, and will re-open as soon as it is functioning correctly.

We are working very closely with the Hotel at present, but the logistical challenges of a skeleton staff operating remotely mean that we cannot currently give an exact time for the fix to be made. Rest assured that it will be with you as soon as possible—we’re all every bit as keen as you are to get this problem sorted!

Booking temporarily closed

Dear members - our sincere apologies. The Hilton website has changed without our knowledge, leaving us with no choice but to close booking for now. If you purchased a room at a price that was *not* £68, or £80 including breakfast for one, £92 for two, please contact immediately to have this rectified. Once again, we are sorry for this inconvenience.