The Goat & Bush
All items for The Goat & Bush are listed below, in order of start time
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Dead Monkey Party Parade
The Goat & Bush : 18:00 - 18:30 (0.5 hour)
A proud and ancient tradition since 2008, the Dead Monkey Parade musters the regiments for the (usually) biennial grand parade to the Dead Monkey Party. Dress uniforms of any kind welcome but not required. If you play an instrument that is remotely compatible with a marching band, by all means bring it - particularly if you know the Colonel Bogey march.
Dead Monkey Party
The Goat & Bush : 18:30 - 23:30 (5.0 hours)
The closing ceremony has been and gone. The Wedding Party has ended, the witches have gone back to their cottages and we return to real life. Or that's the theory, at least.
For those still awake, there's always the night shift. The Dead Monkey Party is the traditional rude gesture to the idea of packing one's metaphorical toys away, and is usually certain to involve much music, snacks and nonsense. Expect leftover sweets from other parties, pelvic thrusts that really drive you insaaaaaane, and much sleep-deprived rambling.