Lancre Gorge
All items for Lancre Gorge are listed below, in order of start time
Jump to: Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Werewolf - The big one
Lancre Gorge : 13:30 - 15:30 (2.0 hours)
Mega-werewolf is a multi-village version of the popular game Werewolf where villagers try to discover who among their number might be werewolves while their fellows are being eaten every night by hungry lycanthropes with the added fun of people moving between villages. Is that new villager who joined you a werewolf of not, how do you find out? Come along and join in the fun. If you've never played werewolf before, you are in for a treat!
Queering the Discworld
Lancre Gorge : 16:30 - 17:30 (1.0 hour)
Since the very first Discworld books, queer/LGBTQ+ fans have seen themselves in the pages. What do we mean when we talk about 'queering the Discworld', and what insights can a queer interpretation of the books offer?
Diversity and the Discworld
Lancre Gorge : 17:30 - 18:30 (1.0 hour)
How is Diversity shown in the Disc, and how do people of Diversity relate to it.
A short, open forum with lots of audience interaction that considers just how varied the Denizens of the Disc (in any medium) are and how we identify with their Diversity.
Just A Minute After Dark
Lancre Gorge : 00:00 - 01:00 (1.0 hour)
As darkness falls, so does the requirement to keep it PG. 60 seconds without hesitation, repetition or deviation.
Just A Minute After Dark may well contain bawdy topics or terrible puns, and is probably – or hopefully, depending on your point of view – not suitable for those of a nervous or junior disposition.
Cheery Littlebottom's Guide to Make-Up!
Lancre Gorge : 11:00 - 13:00 (2.0 hours)
A basic make-up tutorial for all ages and gender identities, perfect for anyone who just wants to explore make-up but doesn't know where to start. With brushes, eyeshadow and lipstick provided!
25 Years of Discworld Monthly
Lancre Gorge : 14:00 - 15:00 (1.0 hour)
An in-depth look at how the popular monthly Discworld Newsletter has survived this long!
For the last 25 years, the team have produced the premier independent newsletter from their humble desks to keep Discworld fans all over the world informed about events, book releases, plays, TV and film adaptations, book tours and much much more.
Editor Jason Rincewind Anthony-Rowlands (yes that is his real middle name) will take you on a whirlwind adventure through time and space to learn about the humble beginnings of Discworld Monthly right up to the present day.
With the chance of some exclusives at this talk, you won't want to miss it.
A Night at the Discworld Opera
Lancre Gorge : 15:00 - 16:00 (1.0 hour)
Enrico Basilica, Benvenuto Salzella and the Doily Crochet Opera Company present a Special Gala Evening: A Night at the Discworld Opera!
Come to Nanny Ogg's Conservatory* for an opera gala put on by the real Enrico Basilica, Mr. Salzella and friends. We will be presenting highlights of musical culture, and slices of Discworld life, from Fondel, Bloody Stupid Johnson, Offenbach, Rossini and of course Wallonia and Duck. May contain cats.
*Glass not included
Let's Make a Discworld RPG Character!
Lancre Gorge : 16:00 - 17:00 (1.0 hour)
Phil Masters, the author of the Discworld Roleplaying Game, will work with the audience to create a character for the game.
Does Dark Matter Exist?
Lancre Gorge : 18:00 - 19:00 (1.0 hour)
Cosmologists tell us that 85% of the matter in the universe is 'dark'; that is, different from ordinary 'baryonic' matter. The evidence for this is indirect, based on motions of stars and galaxies that appear to be inconsistent with the effects of ordinary matter. However, no proposed candidate particle for dark matter has yet been found, despite tens of billions of dollars invested in looking. Could the real reason be that our current theory of gravity is wrong? Or, worse, that cosmologists have been using the wrong mathematical models?
Tea Duelling
Lancre Gorge : 19:30 - 20:30 (1.0 hour)
Join us for a beginner's session of Tea Duelling. Learn the basics of competitive biscuit dunking using The Articles of The Honourable Association of Tea Duellists, 3rd Edition 1899. A nice chuckle for the seasoned duellist, a good tooth cutter for newbies. Malted Milks and Tea provided. Make sure to submit your grievances to duel over in advance to (remember to keep it clean as kids will be present).
The Hedgehog Party
Lancre Gorge : 22:00 - 02:00 (4.0 hours)
The Hedgehog Party started out as a birthday celebration for the usenet group, and was so successful it became the Convention's standing party, or the best place to let your hair loose and take off your Pointy Hat on a Convention Saturday night!
The party often involves strange and wonderful foodstuffs and drinks from all over the Disc, as well as some strange concoctions no sane man should drink but plenty do... In short, everyone is welcome to join, and if you have a strange food item or drink you wish to inflict on others, do bring it along!
Caroc Cards, Candle Wax and Cheese: Weird ways of predicting the future.
Lancre Gorge : 10:00 - 11:00 (1.0 hour)
People have always wanted to know their future and have used many different ways to predict it. These can be the well-known methods of runes, tarot cards etc, but there are many less talked about methods.
Elaine will be demonstrating some of the more unusual types of divination found on the Round world as well as the Discworld, including a reading with a set of Caroc cards.
Elaine Perkins has been researching divination and reading runes for more years than she likes to admit and is descended from a long line of witches.
Advanced Borrowing: Bees Mean Hives
Lancre Gorge : 11:30 - 12:30 (1.0 hour)
Why is it so difficult to Borrow bees? What is the hivemind? And how does this work on Roundworld? Join Debi Linton as she gives an overview of the superorganism, from eusocial insects to the Gaia hypothesis, and asks the question: do individuals even exist?
Just A Minute
Lancre Gorge : 12:30 - 13:30 (1.0 hour)
In this time-honoured DWCon tradition, four contestants are challenged to speak for 60 seconds without hesitation, deviation or repetition.
How to write a biography of Terry Pratchett with Marc Burrows (unauthorised version)
Lancre Gorge : 14:00 - 15:00 (1.0 hour)
The Wedding Breakfast (Gala Dinner)
Lancre Gorge : 19:00 - 22:00 (3.0 hours)
Join us* in celebrating the wedding of King Verence II of Lancre and Magrat Garlick, with a grand three-course banquet with accompanying entertainment.
* Pre-Booked tickets only
Disappointments of The Watch
Lancre Gorge : 10:00 - 11:00 (1.0 hour)
Since it was initially announced at the convention in 2012, the BBC series based on The Watch had been eagerly anticipated by Discworld fans. However, once casting decisions were announced a sense of trepidation began circulating, to the extent that many fans simply boycotted the series, while others watched the series with disdain, confusion or disappointment.
This talk will use some of Dr Eve Smith's favourite media and reception theories combined with social media analysis to critically explore some of the issues that led to a general sense of disappointment among Discworld fans.
Rather than just “hating” The Watch, the aim is to consider why so many fans felt the way they did, with a view to exploring what we cherish and what we felt was lost in this adaptation.
Memories of Jack Cohen
Lancre Gorge : 11:00 - 11:30 (0.5 hour)
Jack Cohen, always a popular participant at DWcon and other SF cons, died in May 2019. Discworld fans will know him as one of the three coauthors of the Science of Discworld books. Jack and I also collaborated on several other books and projects. Jack being Jack, there are many funny stories about his activities. I will share some of them in his memory, so that he can be present in spirit at the con.
So you think you can do it better?
Lancre Gorge : 16:00 - 17:00 (1.0 hour)
We really hope you enjoyed the Convention up until now, but we also always try and improve how we do things. This is your chance to tell us of any issues you encountered, or of any ideas you have to improve the Convention as a whole.
Bonus points if you have a good suggestion on how to keep those pesky elves out for good!