Lancre Castle
All items for Lancre Castle are listed below, in order of start time
Jump to: Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Tech Team Briefing
Lancre Castle : 14:00 - 15:00 (1.0 hour)
Many hands make lights work. Also cameras, sound, video, the stage…
As has been said many times -- the convention runs on volunteers, and not just for the heating. Some of those volunteers sit, stand, roll and crawl behind the scenes, helping create the magic via their technical witchery. If that sounds like fun, come along to the briefing and you too can help out during the con. No experience necessary, training is provided.
Opening Ceremony
Lancre Castle : 19:30 - 20:30 (1.0 hour)
Bedtime stories
Lancre Castle : 21:30 - 22:30 (1.0 hour)
There is no better way to prepare for bed, or bar, than a cuddly toy and some stories straight from the Discworld. Bring your don’t-tickle-me-Greebo, and your best pyjamas, and join our selection of guests, as they read from their favourite Discworld book to us.
Maskerade Rehearsal
Lancre Castle : 08:00 - 12:00 (4.0 hours)
All those performing in the ‘Maskerade’ item must attend this rehearsal. This is to make sure every aspect of your performance will go exactly as planned, and to find out essential information about the evening’s entertainment. Time slots can be booked at the Maskerade table at Registration on Friday and only those who have a rehearsal time slot will be allowed to perform.
So What Does Tech Do?
Lancre Castle : 12:00 - 13:00 (1.0 hour)
Tech bring light to dark and sound to silence (usually... sometimes the reverse is true), and help to create mood and emotion.
Do you want to push our buttons [footnote: literally]? Do you want to take a peek behind the scenes and find out how all of this works [footnote: We’re pretty sure we’ve figured this out.]?
Then this is your chance! Come to Lancre Castle, touch the buttons you’re usually not allowed to touch, ask us anything and maybe even join the team.
No experience necessary.
It is still magic once you know how it’s done.
Staging Discworld: The Challenges of Dramatising Terry
Lancre Castle : 14:00 - 15:00 (1.0 hour)
Join Stephen Briggs, who has dramatised over 20 of Terry's novels for the amateur stage, as he discusses the challenges of dramatising and staging Terry's Discworld.
Pat Harkin Answers The Telephone
Lancre Castle : 15:00 - 16:00 (1.0 hour)
I had the enormous privilege of being one of Terry's "Greek chorus" to whom he turned when he needed advice. This meant my phone could ring and without warning Terry would ask a question he needed to be answered. This talk describes some of those conversations.
Committee Note: We hope this will be more interesting that it sounds, but the Committee take no responsibility for this item.
How To Do It All Wrong And Become A Bestseller
Lancre Castle : 16:00 - 17:00 (1.0 hour)
Join Jodi Taylor as she explains How To Do It All Wrong And Become A Best Seller.
The Necessity of Evil
Lancre Castle : 17:00 - 18:00 (1.0 hour)
The Necessity of Evil is a panel discussion led by Dr Hix with Ben Aaronovitch, Jodi Taylor, Alistair Lavers and Jonny Nexus, where we will be discussing the necessity of evil within storytelling, of how bad do you have to make your villain and whether it is possible to tell stories without evil at all.
Lancre Castle : 20:00 - 22:00 (2.0 hours)
Join us for a night of entertainment provided by your fellow con-goers as they compete for the honour of winning the coveted Maskerade ‘Best in Show’ Trophy. There are several categories to compete in with fabulous costumes and Pat Harkin guaranteed.
Maskerade Break
Lancre Castle : 22:00 - 22:30 (0.5 hour)
This isn't an ordinary interval! Enjoy the talents of the Covens whilst the judges leave to deliberate. This (probably) rehearsed item will keep you all going whilst you wait.
Maskerade - Results
Lancre Castle : 22:30 - 23:30 (1.0 hour)
The moment everyone has been waiting for - the announcement of the results from the Maskerade judging! Who will be lifting the trophy for 2022?
Charity Auction - Viewing
Lancre Castle : 10:00 - 10:30 (0.5 hour)
Charity Auction
Lancre Castle : 10:30 - 13:00 (2.5 hours)
Ever wondered what happens when the Thieves' Guild members go over their quota?
Well wonder no more. All items that are procured via going over quota by the Thieves' Guild are handed over for redistribution.
The Patrician thought that might be an ideal solution. So he ordered the formation of the Guild of Auctioneers, Auctionettes and Auction Managers with the aim to sell these items to the highest bidder and redistribute the wealth to the charities chosen by the Convention they are attending.
The auction isn't just for buying things, the Auctionettes have all been schooled in various ways of presentation and this often is just as amusing as the items they are parading around the room.
The head Auctioneer Pat Harkin will be at the front making sure you empty your wallet for a selection of items that are as eclectic as they are rare.
Please remember your bidding paddle from your membership pack otherwise you will be issued with a Paddle of Shame and of course, your bulging wallet.
Charity Auction - Collection
Lancre Castle : 13:30 - 15:00 (1.5 hours)
You did it! You managed to win an item in the Charity Auction, despite the fierce competition.
Here is where you get to pay, collect your goodies, walk off with them, drag them to your lair - and sleep on it. Preferably in that order
Please ensure that you physically collect them. We don't want to repeat the Unfortunate Coffin incident of 2010.
Ben Aaronovitch's Exceedingly Long Question and Answer Session
Lancre Castle : 15:00 - 16:00 (1.0 hour)
Come and join Ben Aaronovitch for his Exceedingly Long Question and Answer Session.
Pre Wedding Breakfast Drinks
Lancre Castle : 18:00 - 18:30 (0.5 hour)
Join us* for a tipple before dinner.
* Pre-Booked tickets only
The Street Party
Lancre Castle : 19:00 - 23:00 (4.0 hours)
The wonderful Landlady herself (Kirstine) will be hosting a fabulous Street Party with games, giggles and candy floss! Festivities shall take place in Lancre Castle grounds, and will encompass a wide variety of diversions to Delight All Ages, including Nanny Ogg's Bran Tub, a man with weasels down his trousers, and much more. Attendees are both welcomed and encouraged to bring their own board or card games to liven up the party further.
The Play
Lancre Castle : 13:00 - 15:00 (2.0 hours)
Come long and enjoy the Convention's latest theatrical offering... There may be some audience participation!
This show uses flashing lights and rhythmic music. Audience members with sensory/processing sensitivity may wish to consider whether they want to attend.
Closing Ceremony
Lancre Castle : 17:00 - 18:00 (1.0 hour)
It is time for important announcements, What Happens Next and also who has won prizes. Join us to officially end the 2022 Convention and to say goodbye and thank you